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President Trump - Pay Your Fair Share!!!

So your new president (I don't want to give the title the dignity of a capitalization because the position is no longer a position of honor) wants to take away your insurance, your protection and catastrophic health dilemmas. Your pre-existing conditions... GONE! Your life-time limits.... GONE! You life support GONE! Your medication... GONE! Your "RIGHT" to healthcare... GONE!... And why, so some redneck gun sporting racist can save a few bucks in trying to carve out a primitive life with making plans to overthrow his government the minute he doesn't like a it? Or some rich bastard with wealth beyond our dreams, those 99% of us that have to live day to day, week to week, can enjoy bigger profits as they continue to raise healthcare costs and medication costs 900%?

Think about the millions of people that are now insured? The millions of people that can go to bed at night knowing that if they had a heart attack in the middle of the night or if they were later diagnosed with cancer they would in addition to the horrors of the illnesses have to worry about losing all the resources they've built up over a lifetime, they wouldn't have to say "good-bye" to the homes they've lived, good-bye to their "American dream" because every penny they had saved to go towards their retirement has been spent to keep them alive, and for what? To live on the streets? To go penniless so Trump and his ilk can grow richer by the day?

"Duh... I didn't want to get rid of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)! I just wanted to get right of that "BLACK MAN's" plan... you know "Obamacare" cuz their ain't nothin' a black man can do that's gonna be right for us white folk"

We all know how the Orange Hitler would have handled this, the man that supposedly is exempt from paying any taxes for 20 years. He undoubtedly has some sort of insurance (probably protected by Obamacare) and then after his treatment he would sue the doctors and hospitals so he wouldn't have to pay. Then the doctor's and hospital's "mal-practice insurance" would go up because those insurance companies would have taken a terrible loss which will then raise the cost of our medical treatment which would in turn raise the costs of the premiums for our coverage, further reducing the effectiveness of the Affordable Care Act so this filthy rich, disgusting foul mouthed Russian governor can increase his wealth (if he has any, remember we never saw his taxes) and get "FREE" health coverage.

My rich sister-in-law hates Obamacare because she has to pay almost as much as I and my company combined pay in premiums. Well she's self-employed and one of the benefit of working for someone else is that they pay a portion of your insurance, if you want to work for yourself you don't have those benefits so you better make damn sure that you can cover both your portion and the portion your employer would have to pay. No, instead she bitches that she "makes to much money" to get assistance and because of that has to pay for all the "lazy people" that get healthcare now.

A few postings backs I mentioned that like my husband my she (his sister) has some health issues that could result in her early demise (she is 59 years old). I didn’t say what her problem was at the time but the fact of the matter is she requires a kidney transplant otherwise she will more than likely die (again like my husband...sooner than later, only theoretically she had enough money to "buy" a kidney if necessary, not much my husband can do about his heart). She just spoke with my husband on the phone with the good news that a "live donor" has come up and been approved and so there will be a surgery and she will survive. I find it ironic that suddenly after all these years of being on a waiting list, right before her health coverage is at risk she manages to find a live donor, but I guess even the Christian God cares about those that will find it difficult to get through that eye of a needle.

Isn't it funny how the wealthy always seem to come through with solutions when their benefits (i.e. Obamacare) are about to expire? I mean could you imagine if the president she voted for were to allow insurance companies to re-impose "life-time limits" and "pre-existing conditions"? In her case she would find herself without insurance for both those reasons because believe me that premium that she pays (because she makes too much money) would never pay the cost of her dialysis, medications, and general care not to mention the expense of a surgery and the anti-rejection drugs she would need to take for the rest of her life. Despite her opposition to this one and only solution that keeps her insured and ensures that millions of people with or without means will have coverage should something terrible happen she has benefited and used the advantages such as not having to worry about denial of pre-existing conditions and lifetime limits on coverage (advantages afforded her because of Obamacare because without the Affordable Care Act (yes Mr. Redneck these are one in the same only the one is was intended to be a derogatory term put out by the leaders that you adore so much that keep you and your "red' state in poverty) you can be sure that she would have been canceled long ago due to the costs of keeping her healthy and alive) yet somehow just weeks before these privileges that should be “rights” for every American is at risk of going away she manages to discover a "live" donor (not some poor deceased individual's act of generosity). I’m sure a donor that after all is said and done this "live" donor will enjoy some deeper pockets but we mustn’t speak of such illegal activities as I believe the act of selling one’s organ is illegal lest a black market arise out of such actions which of course only the wealthy could afford.

This particular type of operation has become a quite routine but I have heard that despite the frequency and reduced danger to people that undergo such surgeries there have been people that have nevertheless died on the table during the donation process. I remember hearing a news story about two brothers, one with a kidney condition and the other with two healthy kidneys. The brother with the two healthy kidneys died on the table as the organ was being removed but the brother that would have died without his sibling’s generosity lived, so there are dangers to both people involved, so a "live" donor would have to be very generous indeed, or at least somehow very well compensated for their sacrifice.

She's pretty happy right now and after their phone conversation concluded my husband even commented for a person that was totally against the benefits the law ensured her she should be grateful and not hateful as so many "Trumpers" have been. Without Obamacare's existence for the last 8 years she would have definitely maxed out her benefits most certainly her lifetime limitations with her insurance company. She complains about her portion of her prescriptions costs with are comparable to my portions which are probably more with the unbelievable expense of HIV medication. Does she know know that once the Republicans (our wonderful president, the Russian governor Trump, and Paul Ryan and “Pastor Pence”) change the laws so the life saving anti-rejection drugs will most certainly no longer be covered and I’m sure the costs of those meds are going to far exceed her monthly premium of meager $1,200 (that a person that make too much money) so adamantly insisted was wrong was benefiting from so the "no good lazy slobs that do nothing all day while she works so hard" could have equal healthcare protection. Despite a million dollar home, rentals properties galore, a fleet of automobiles, a very successful house flipping business, not to mention being a “Million Dollar Realtor Broker” (the rich get richer) she is so upset that she pays $1,200 per month for coverage that she would see the laws abolished (in the mean time my premium without not counting my employer's portion is $600 per month after their contribution (again a benefit for working for a company and not being "self-employed") is surely equal to if not more than the $1,200 she pays.

She swears up and down that they have sought to get a reduction through "Obamacare" supplements but when I was having a conversation with her cousin (a staunch opponent to Trump and the Republican establishment) he himself indicated that he doubted that his wealthy family members even bothered to try to find out what subsidies (if any) they had coming to them through the “Affordable Care Act” (in her case while not racially motivated, although she has made plenty of drunken comments about certain races taking advantage of others and believe me she wasn’t talking about whites taking advantage), in her mind she works hard so the slackers can sit back and collect the benefits of her monthly $1,200 contribution to Obamacare for insurance that she probably uses more in a month than some people use in a lifetime (those lucky enough to enjoy perfect health).

Part of me is wishing that all this occurs to her after her coverage is denied and she sees her wealth go away to keep her alive, so she can know what if feels like to struggle, after she is poor to pay for her dialysis or new kidney out of pocket her rich and wealthy friends will mix her in with the stew of the welfare recipients, that “basket” she puts everyone else in that does not have the wealth she has, part of me hopes that beyond the hundreds of thousands of dollars that may have been transacted under the table to this very giving and selfless "live donor" (an employee that owes her nothing but a my husband (her own brother) said, perhaps a property was transferred to the employee, some “Rich 1 percenter technique” to ensure her survival). She's got the money in the bank and I kind of wish she could feel what all those people that truly need the government subsidies, benefits she and her ilk will be denying to the masses so they can fatten their own checkbooks ever more, I wish she had to personally pay (what I thought could result in millions of dollars but turns out after a good search is only approximately $500,000 after all is said and done,) I wish she could feel the pain that such a surgery would cost her financially (not physically) but instead while she and her husband might have a slightly lighter net worth and their employee a slightly higher net worth and they will go on with life, accumulating more wealth and more money as the expense of largely the low income apartments they rent out (to those types of people she claims are lazy), and the flipping of the houses lost by those that faced foreclosure possibly due to kidney or heart conditions have lost because they didn’t share in the advantages of my wealthy in-laws. But then again... I really don't want her to suffer, because after 35 years of knowing her, at times loving her, I don't want her to suffer. This is exactly why we have Obamacare, because a generous "President" worked hard to make sure that we all had coverage and were all treated equally and covered for the rest of our live, and I might add, not profiting from it or promoting a golf course or clothing line in between.

I know I am sounding spiteful and perhaps I am jealous of my "family's wealth" but we are talking about people that wanted and voted for Trump to become our dictator. She and her husband (and now at least one of her children who at one time share very Democrat like (or liberal) points of view but can be sure there is a hefty inheritance just waiting for him when and if his mother dies has suddenly in the last few years gone Republican, will be opposed to anything that might benefit the common man as long as it increases their wealth and potential for even more wealth. (After all we need those purple Poinsettias, wrapping paper and other accoutrements at Christmas time to remind us how much they have and how lowly we common folk are.)

I was listening to a progressive radio station one day recently and they were on topic regarding the likelihood that pre-existing conditions and lifetime coverage limits would be going away and this announcer (Thom Hartman) was saying his wife had been diagnosed with cancer the week prior to Obamacare going into effect and they received a letter in the mail saying that they were being cancelled because she had reached her lifetime limits. With this news there was nothing that they were going to be able to do to get there his wife covered because from that point going forward no insurance company in the world would cover her now pre-existing condition however Obamacare became the law of the land and despite the wealthy having tried to reverse the law through their numerous, I think well over 60 attempts, to have it repealed it could not done. A law that could withstand the onslaught of lawsuits brought on by people like my rich sister-in-law with her hundreds of thousands of dollars if not more in the bank who don't have to worry about whether she's going to be able to pay the mortgage or not, doesn't have to worry about paying for the insurance that she "can" afford (but can’t stand paying because she "makes too much money") and because she is fortunate enough to have money in the bank will probably be able to afford any and all ongoing anti-rejection meds that so many others have to liquidate all their assets to keep taking.

Thank you Obamacare for keeping her alive and healthy all these years (and even though she told my husband that expense would be no object at this point because she was considering “buying” a kidney (however illegal that might be), and even telling me she would accept an HIV kidney (which I believe was that hint that my kidney... some 10 years now since I told her I (however jokingly) I would give her one of mine but it was after all HIV contaminated to which she responded was "not going to choose one horrible death over another") she is now going to survive. I’m sure that Trumpcare will not be as generous to her (or any of us) but let's hope so, of course being wealthy I’m sure that the billionaires of America will ensure provisions to keep the fellow billionaires, millionaires, and those close to joining the ranks of the 1% (like my husband's sister and her husband) protected while the rest of us try to figure out (like her brother, my husband) what the hell we are going to do once our lifetime limits are reached or once our pre-existing conditions are discovered… The "RICH" will not fear because the "Dictator Trump" will protect his own. The rich will survive, remember when we become dystopian which our Republican overlords are now working to ensure we can always sleep well at night know those on the top that subdue, rule, and even kill those of us on the bottom, the other 99% will have a "God-given right" to their healthcare.

Happy suffering America.

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