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Dear Mr. Trump...

The following is an open letter to the Orange Hitler, Mein Fuhrer, Foolish Tweetious. I don’t think it’s illegal to speak this way (Pasto, W. (2014, April 04)), at least not yet. But after I post I will await for whatever punishment befalls me by our dictator and Russian governor…Herr Trump, as I know rich men like him love to take advantage of and destroy the common man for stepping out of line and not following orders. So let me start my salutation appropriately:

Dear Herr Fuhrer Trump:

Let me just start by saying I hate you. I think you are ugly, disgusting, foul mouthed and a disgrace to America. Even your hair is an embarrassment. Oh please don’t take my feelings regarding you looks and personality personally as I hate a lot of things (like snakes, rats, leeches, blood-sucking insects, etc...see not just you),. My hate for you is not special but I will admit that I like snakes, rats, leeches, and blood-sucking insects better than you. I just hate you bit worse. I just can’t believe that the American Electoral College was so stupid as to make you our leader when we all know that the real winner of the election was Mrs. Hillary Clinton based on the popular vote, and as usual a Democrat has had the election stolen from them (remember you were the one that convinced us all that our system of some several hundred years is rigged)..

I think you are going to be an awful President, a real “loser”. But I do think, however, you will make an excellent Governor to the Russian province of the new U.S.S.R, the former United States, the country that we true Americans used to call the land of the free. I’m sure a person that succumbs to (or kisses the ass of) Putin will be rewarded with increased wealth and power and I’m sure that as the Governor the this Russian province you and your family are going to be rewarded beyond your dreams.

The time will come when people like me, those that have been critical of you in anyway will get a knock at our door and men reporting to you, perhap in regular black suits with emblems on their sleeves or perhaps in uniforms reminiscent of those the most famous fascist leader forced his sycophants and military loyalists to wear, only instead of “SS” or the “Schutzstaffel” they will be called the “TT” or the “Trump Troopers”. Soldiers under our new Russian leader “Comrade Trump’s” executive orders will ensure that if they don’t perform as commanded they too will be declared enemy of the State.

I fear you as so many good American do. I think you are a scary monster that should not be holding the position of leader of what previously had been considered the greatest nation in world, at least you are not the leader of the “Free World” anymore because that distinction is now reserved for Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany. Isn’t it ironic that the country that helped start the last two worlds wars is now the power that is ensuring the world’s safety while you bluster and boast about your “losing” win and “theft” of the presidency from Secretary Clinton and the true patriots and citizens of America, bragging for the benefit of your brainwashed rednecks and racists toting their guns with vows to one day take down a dictatorship such as you are creating. A lot of good their tiny little guns are going to do when a tank comes rolling up to their front door step waving the “TT” flag, while “Trump Troopers” inform them they indeed must now hand over their guns “by order of the latest executive order of Comrade Trump” (ironically what they once thought due to your conniving and rhetoric would result by electing the true defenders of freedom and liberty, Obama, Clinton, Sanders, or even O’Malley) . Actually you will probably be known as the “Supreme Commander” because I understand that is the title of one of the highest ranking Russian military (or Верховный командующий) I can’t pronounce the words in the Russian format as I am a true American that does not have a Russian heritage but I’m sure you will have learned to pronounce it if you already don’t know how with practice it in front of the mirror following by Я выиграл все голоса (or “I won all the votes” in Russian).

I believe you will lead based on your greed and the potential wealth you can suck out of this country so that you and your family will live in a Mount Olympus type type bunker when you decide that you are going to trigger the first world wide nuclear war because some foreign leader pissed you off. I know, you are probably consulting with lawyers at this very moment as to how you can sue me or have me imprisoned for sharing my thoughts, well Mein Fuhrer, I don’t have much money, in fact like most Americans I’m in debt and my finances were worsened further by your Republican predecessors, you know, the other leaders that stole the election (Parenti, M. (2007, May)), only the last Republican to steal the election was supported by the courts (he wasn’t so egotistical though as to brag at nauseum like you do). If you want to take what little possessions I have just a forewarning I don’t own much at all, my home is owned by the bank, you’ll have to take my word for it the way we took your word that you present you taxes after your “audit” in any regards I am part of the 99%, not the 1% or 1/10th of 1% that you and your friends are (or at least claim to be since we’ve never gotten to see your tax returns. For all we know you might not have a penny to your name, we all have had to take your word for it you are wealthy as you claim to be but know that from what I understand I have contributed more in taxes in my lifetime than you have ever paid, so I guess that makes me more American or a Patriot than you because I pay my taxes and don’t claim that “I’m smart” because I have the lawyers and opportunities you have to take advantage of the tax code and rip off our country and those that have contracted with me (whoops, I guess you are going to have me audited now, I should keep my mouth shut but I really don’t like you).

It’s a shame that Americans have to worry that our freedom of speech will result in repression, lawsuits, or even imprisonment from an insecure and greedy monster who takes revenge on anyone that speaks ill of them (and you are teaching your “wife” well, suing some poor 71 year old man… unreal). My mother was a German citizen that lived most her life and died in America, and even though my father was an American soldier and I have a United States official document declaring me a United States Citizen born Abroad (like Mccain born in Panama) as I was born on an American military base in Germany, she used to warn me that if America ever went to war with Germany we (she, myself and my brothers) would probably be put in Concentration Camps. I was always frightened as a child that should such a war would occur we would be interned but as I grew older I learned that my mother’s fears were unfounded, actually quite ridiculous especially since America has vowed never again after the Japanese debacle to imprison Americans for their heritage. I remember once when she caught me putting a black eye and mustache on a political figure on either a Time magazine or Newsweek magazine (I don’t remember who it was, it could have been Kennedy or Nixon or Ford) she warned me that such maliciousness (even though it was innocent child doodling) could result in my being arrested, that it was against the law to make fun of our leaders. Of course this too, as I learned when I became an adult was proven to be my mother’s unfounded fears that had no basis in reality. But now with Comrade Trump as our new dictator I’m no longer confident that my mother’s foreign born paranoia can indeed not become reality.

I am ashamed when I see you standing behind the podium of the many great men and potentially great men and women to follow you because I’m sure that history will declare you not only one of the worst “presidents” of all time but perhaps the most untrustworthy and suspect ever to have the distinction to stand in a position of greatness among true and decent leaders for foreign land.

While your racists and hate mongers (and religious fanatics) rally around you a true majority of Americans find you a disgrace that most likely only holds the position you hold (you aren’t my president) due to a “rigged” electoral college (I believe that’s how you referred to it when you thought Mrs. Clinton was going to win) and the voter suppression that your sycophants and other thieving Republican leaders put in place blocking so many of the African-Americans, Senior Citizens, and impoverished that didn’t have the ability to either get the identification cards because of the obstacles you rich people put in place or the money to travel the many miles to reach a polling location. You did well. Yes you are a winner when it comes to winning “rigged” elections or I guess you could put it a winner at deceit..

I am proud of the men and women that marched against you and your policies on January 21. I hope the protests last throughout the short period of your dictatorship over our lands. I hope that they fight you the way that you fought the man who was one of the greatest presidents this country has ever had, President Barack Obama, with your racist claim that he was not an American. You are an illegitimate President (Dolan, E.W., 2017, January 14). You should have never been allowed to proceed beyond your nasty remarks at your hateful, racist, and cultist rallies. But then the sedition you committed when you implored the Russian government to break into American emails and obtain records to benefit you and your win as you cried like a baby that the system was rigged, that is until the system worked for you...where are you cries now?

Then the threat you made against you the Democrat competition when you essentially implored those that believed in their 2nd amendment rights to “handle things”. I know I was appalled when I first heard that statement on my car radio believing that you were sending a rally call to assassinate your competition. But the most shocking thing was your disgusting foul mouthed talk during your “locker room chat” with a another sexist chauvinist pig (remember that term from the 70’s? used whenever a man held back women so that they would be unequal and subservient to their male equivalents).

You are not the president that the American people wanted. You won because the very system you wanted abolished when you believed was working against you backfired on the citizens of the United States and put what has been described as a man who is “...not well and needs help. He has a number of serious mental disorders that make him unfit to hold office — and they are on display every day in one cringe-worthy tweet after another. He is a full-blown malignant narcissist. He displays sociopathic tendencies. He will say one thing and 30 seconds later say the opposite. He is disconnected from the truth. And he has a stunning lack of human empathy. These behaviors make him a truly dangerous occupant of the Oval Office.” (Dolan, E.W., 2017, January 14)

My only true fear about the Fascist Government you represent is that your eventual “impeachment” will result in a religious fanatic taking your place, the “Holy Reverend” Pence with his biblical words of hate and discrimination, a man who will surely take the bible at it’s literal word and turn America into a Theocracy where stonings and crucifixions and other horrors will become commonplace, and eye for eye will be enforced (unless it doesn’t benefit the rich (the 1%)), slavery will once again be reinstated as the bible praises and instructs the masters how they should treat their slaves, and people will once again resort the sacrificing animals at the alter. Either way America is in for a scary 4 years. You or Pence. “My God, why have you forsaken me?”

The only good that will come from having you authoritarian fascists and religious fanatics ruling the kingdom (if you don’t change the laws abolishing voting altogether) is that your election and threat to America is bringing the true patriotic Americans together, the Progressives, the minorities, those that have been and continue to be discriminated against, the religious (regardless of faith) that truly represent a loving god or gods and not the hateful God that you and your vice-president adores, and even those non-religious like me, atheists and agnostics. Unless you do something to make “America Great Again” in the form of the 18th and 19th century when discrimination and slavery were legal and commonplace, we will surely unite and vote you out of office.

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